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polynSPIRE Consortium held the General Assembly in Istanbul

European Plastics Converters

polynSPIRE General Assembly took place in Istanbul, Turkey from 2nd to 4th October 2019, hosted by Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters’ Association (IKMIB) and Kordsa.

During the first day of the meeting, the polynSPIRE partners got updated on demo cases specifications and integration, chemical recycling approach with microwaves and smart magnetic materials usage, and valorisation of the plastic waste steel sector. The first day ended with parallel workshops on chemical recycling and valorisation, during which partners explored and discussed next steps and potential obstacles during the project lifetime.

On the second day, consortium got updates on the latest improvement of recycled materials by advanced techniques, validation of recycled products, LCA/LCC/TE analysis of demo cases, including a workshop on mechanical recycling. The morning session finished with presentations on management and coordination, and communication and dissemination activities, including a screening of the first polynSPIRE promotional video. The afternoon session started with market analysis, exploitation and business plan updates, and then continued with workshops on an exploitation strategy and IPR strategy.

The final day was dedicated to the 2nd polynSPIRE Networking event and a visit to Kordsa facility in Izmit. The Networking event attracted over 50 local companies from the plastic, steel and automotive - related industries with a goal to explore how project results could be exploitable in such an important market as Turkey.

The next consortium meeting will take place in 2020, and the location will be decided soon.

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