The HARMONI project is a SPIRE CSA that looks into the EU policy and standardization issues (including bottlenecks) that influence the R&I activities of the process industries, as well as the means to enhance the transferability of the technologies and results across sectors.
On the 17th of January, Tatiana Garcia, polynSPIRE project coordinator has participated in the HARMONI Summit in Brussels where she has contributed to the workshop on regulatory barriers for Plastics Circularity.
More than 50 attendes from the plastic industry, DG RTD, standardisation bodies and other representatives from SPIRE projects have discussed the non-technological challenges in the frame of EU innovation agenda.
Also EuPC presented shortly the polynSPIRE project together with other innovation projects on chemical recycling.
The policy recommendations report will be published by the end of July 2019.
Please see the full agenda of the summit here.